Framework for Implementation

At a Glance

  • While road infrastructure is commonly open access, and therefore its shared use is unlikely to be challenged by investors, costlier strategic infrastructure investments, such as railways, require a more nuanced assessment and a more complex framework for implementation.

  • A detailed cost-benefit analysis will reveal the degree to which a government might want to intervene to ensure that transport infrastructure is shared.

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The level of government intervention required in a plan to share transport infrastructure will depend on the infrastructure in question and its strategic importance to the national economy. Road infrastructure is commonly open access and therefore unlikely to be challenged by the investor. However, for costlier and strategic infrastructure investments such as railways, a more nuanced assessment is necessary and the framework for implementation will necessarily be more complex.

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Figure 1 outlines several scenarios that may emerge from a cost-benefit analysis of railway infrastructure investments. The arrow on the right shows the required level of government intervention that may be necessary to achieve shared use.

Figure 1: Cost-benefit analysis scenarios in the case of railway infrastructure investments, reprinted from Toledano et al., A Framework to Approach Shared Use of Mining-Related Infrastructure (New York: Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, 2014),  21.


The design, operational model, and necessary regulatory framework can be adapted using these five scenarios. Beginning on page 22, A Framework to Approach Shared Use of Mining-Related Infrastructure , found in the Key Resources on this page, provides a detailed analysis of each scenario.